
Welcome to CATCA 2025! We are excited to see you soon but here are a few reminders...

1. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee your attendance. Room capacities are in effect and sessions will be accessed on a physical first come, first served basis on the day of the event. Alternatively, If you are ’Waitlisted", this only means that there are a number of interested delegates beyond the capacity limits for this session - get there early to secure your seat!

2. As we attempt to make CATCA 2025 as amazing as possible, there may be changes made to the schedule up until the day before - Please check your schedule for any time or venue changes or possible cancellations.

3. Please check session description for possible fees associated with materials for some of the art sessions. These will be paid directly to the presenter.

4. Do remember that there might be sessions not at our main venue, do look carefully where the session is at.

5.GooseChase will be searchable on the website or app - search for: CATCA 2025 Convention.. If requested, the GooseChase join code is: Z8NFL6

A floor plan showing the rooms in RDP that we’re using for convention is available here.

All pre-recording videos will be up until May 31st.

or to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
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Thursday, February 20

8:50am MST

9:00am MST

Empowering Educators: Navigating Grading Reform Through Incremental Changes for Student Success RDP Room 2305Shannon Ireland RDP TRADES (CTS) Tour-Mechanical Trades RDP Room 942 (The Patch) Navigating Change: The Impact of New Curriculum on Teaching Pedagogy RDP Room 2503Kimberley Cocks Integrating Conservation Agriculture into the Classroom RDP Room AC159 (Arts Centre)Agriculture for Life AI Prompting for Teacher Success RDP Room 2602Terra Kaliszuk EcoSchools in Alberta: A Curriculum Linked Framework for Environmental and Climate Action RDP Room AC160 (Arts Centre)Alberta Council for Environmental Education How to get students speaking in French and decrease behaviors. RDP Room 1328Kaela Masikewich Move Over Cigarettes: Vapes and Nicotine Pouches are Hooking Our Youth RDP Room 1408Aaron Ladd What Said It Has To Be Perfect? Managing Perfectionism in your teaching practice RDP Room 1437Suzanne Bergeron Building Resilience: A Research Driven Framework Enhancing Well-being in Educational Institutions RDP Room 1303Chris Primeau Trauma Informed Design for the Classroom RDP Room 2301Sara Konig Fun, Fast, Fresh, Free! New Resources for Teaching K-6 Physical Education and Wellness RDP Room 2205Ever Active Schools Learn to Live Forward- Lessons in Resilience RDP Room 2601Chidi C Iwuchukwu Truth and Reconciliation: What We Inherited and Building A Long Term Relationship RDP MAIN STAGE/ AC117 (ARTS CENTRE)Chief Cadmus Delorme The ‘Not So Happily Ever After’ Storytelling Workshop RDP Room 2501Andrew Buckley Short & Sweet, Why Word-Economy Needs to be in Every Writer’s Toolkit RDP Room 1600Alexis Marie Chute Place Value is More Than Numbers in a Column! RDP Room 2302Chris Zarski Works for Me in Music K-3 RDP Room 2505Joyce Holoboff ATRF Your Pension Essentials RDP Room 1400 (MP Theatre)Linda Lau Supporting First-Year Teachers RDP Room 2600Will Langille The Soul of AI: Do Artificial Intelligence machines have souls? RDP Room AC222 (Arts Centre)Gerard Mclarney Stop Tiering Your Students! Establishing, Refining and Utilizing a Continuum of Supports RDP Room 1500 (Cornerstone Restaurant)Lorna Hewson Multiple Representations of Energy RDP Room 1435Laura Pankratz • Meaghan Sylvester Rock Art Mandala Workshop RDP Room 2507(Art Studio)Dalmane Owchar Play On Words - Box Cars Literacy Games for Elementary RDP Room 2303John Felling Exploratory art projects using oil Pastels- endless possibilities RDP Room 2502 (Art Studio)Christina Dixon Edcamp - Secondary ART RDP Room AC142 (Arts Centre)Sheena McNiff-Wolfe NCCP Community Coach Certification École Secondaire Notre Dame High School Classroom 1201Ian Rattan Rise, Know Your Worth, Find Your Way RDP Room 2304Marco Corbo Concert Band - Play, Conduct and/or Recommend Pieces Lindsay Thurber Band roomKerry Heisler Multi Faith/Serenity Room Thursday RDP Room 2400 (Multi Faith Room) ATA LOCAL INFO Booth

10:20am MST

Leveling Up Learning: Using Games as a Formative Assessment Technique RDP Room 2305Shannon Ireland RDP TRADES (CTS) Tour-Construction Trades RDP Room 942 (The Patch) Supporting Disclosures RDP Room 2601Kailee Burkinshaw Using AI to Enhance Human-Centered Work RDP Room 2602Terra Kaliszuk Equitable Climate Justice in the Classroom RDP Room AC160 (Arts Centre)Alberta Council for Environmental Education ARTA and the ARTA Benefit Plans - Looking Ahead to New ADVENTURES RDP Room 1400 (MP Theatre)Lawrence Hrycan • Deb Gerow Food for Thought: Unlocking the Link Between Your Nutrition and Mental Wellbeing RDP Room 1408Katherine Brandon Helping Students Feel Happier: Insights From Icons RDP Room 1437Small Bits of Happiness • Anastasia Korngut Empower Your Classroom: Simple Self-Regulation Strategies for Lasting Impact RDP Room 2600Jennifer Lacourse First Nations Protocol: Essential Insights for Respectful Engagement RDP Room 1303Phillip Campiou kiyokewin - Visiting with Community and Métis Education Resources RDP Room 1500 (Cornerstone Restaurant)Holly Brandsma Role of Community-based Organizations in Indigenous Education RDP Room 2503Madison Properzi Choosing Your Tomorrow: Harnessing your power of choice in the face of adversity RDP MAIN STAGE/ AC117 (ARTS CENTRE)Jodie Baulkham Dangerous Language Arts: Praxis to Support Safety in Risk-Taking RDP Room 1328Liz Harrison From Concept to Script - Screenwriting Workshop RDP Room 2501Andrew Buckley Writing that Stirs the Heart RDP Room 1600Alexis Marie Chute What Should Every Junior High Teacher Know About the New Grades 4-6 Math Curriculum? RDP Room 2302Chris Zarski "Propping Up" Your Elementary Music Class RDP Room 2505Joyce Holoboff Flag Rugby RDP Room 1000 (Small Gym-Kevin Sirois)Norm McDougall Unchartered Lessons: My Unexpected Journey of Teaching RDP Room AC159 (Arts Centre)Michael Saretzky A Flat Earth, Dinosaurs, and the Divine: Can Religion and Science get along? RDP Room AC222 (Arts Centre)Gerard Mclarney Northside Community Centre- What we Do? RDP Room 2205Chris Andrew Climate Change Models RDP Room 1435Laura Pankratz • Meaghan Sylvester Shake Up Your Operational Fluency RDP Room 2303John Felling Crayola Crayon Collage Cards RDP Room 2507(Art Studio)Sally Towers-Sybblis Sacred Circle Meditation & Art RDP Room 2301Angela Hall

11:40am MST

Using AI to Generate Effective and Personalized Assessments that are Aligned to Curriculum RDP Room 2501Shannon Ireland Scaffolding by Complexity to Reach all Learners RDP Room 1400 (MP Theatre)Shelly Cloke Finding Home on The Range: Exploring Alberta’s Wildlife and Conservation Agriculture RDP Room 1408Inside Education Understanding the Difference: The Science of Reading and Implementation for English Learners/Emerging Literacy Learners RDP Room 2205Angela Skene Wahkohtowin: Embracing Cree Kinship and Law RDP Room 1303Phillip Campiou Truth About Credit RDP Room 1437Mark Kalinowski Play Therapy Ideas for Middle School and High School Counsellors RDP Room 1600Tania Diletzoy Askîhk Kiskinohamâtowin Land-Based Learning RDP Room 1500 (Cornerstone Restaurant)Holly Brandsma The Power of Story: Living a Story Centric Life RDP MAIN STAGE/ AC117 (ARTS CENTRE)Andrew Buckley How to Keep the Movers, Shakers, Doers, and Makers in the Academic Stream RDP Room 1328Liz Harrison Games Aren't Just for the Young - They Teach! RDP Room 2302Chris Zarski • Candace Ketsa Mathematical Marvels RDP Room 2600Dave Martin Les mathématiques en mouvement RDP Room 1000 (Small Gym-Kevin Sirois)Elyse Morin Hands-on Minds On: The Intersection of Trades and STEM in K-12 Education RDP Room 2303Jöelle Lavergne • Kiri Stolz • Your Partner in STEM - Lethbridge Polytechnic HPEC Making your PE Class Come Alive RDP Room 2305Logan Grenier EdCamp - Online Teaching Round Table RDP Room AC142 (Arts Centre)Julie Dubyna Gaming, Leisure, and Aesthetics. Are Video Games a Refined Art, Noble Sport or a Superfluous Pastime? RDP Room AC222 (Arts Centre)Gerard Mclarney Code of Professional Conduct: Navigating the Alberta Teaching Profession’s Processes RDP Room 2505Tanya Thiessen Exoplanet Tabletop Escape Room RDP Room 1435Laura Pankratz • Meaghan Sylvester Using Online Simulations to Enhance Elementary STEM Education RDP Room AC159 (Arts Centre)Karen Blumhagen AI Made Simple for the Classroom RDP Room 2602Teacher Time Machine Ltd. Demystifying Autism RDP Room 2503Terri Robson Alberta Landscape Art with Music and Stories! RDP Room 2502 (Art Studio)Coreen Blenkhorne Game On! Teaching K-6 Computer Science with MakeCode Arcade RDP Room 2601Scott Blenkhorne Recognizing Academic Skills for Trades Success RDP Room 2304Steve Walker-Duncan Critical Digital Literacy: Discussing ‘Hate’ Online RDP Room AC160 (Arts Centre)Tiffany Efird

1:00pm MST

From play to learning: embracing fun and learning together RDP Room 2303Andrea Mishio Priority Outcomes and Prerequisite Skills RDP Room 1500 (Cornerstone Restaurant)Shelly Cloke Future Stewards: Building Critical Thinkers for a Sustainable World RDP Room 1408Inside Education GeoBoards, Time and Fractions - What the Heck Do These Have in Common??? RDP Room 2302Chris Zarski • Candace Ketsa Unlocking Potential: Top Strategies for Empowering Language Learners in Your Classroom RDP Room 2205Angela Skene Food & Finance RDP Room 1437Mark Kalinowski Social Media is Killing Our Youth:Sounding the Alarm RDP MAIN STAGE/ AC117 (ARTS CENTRE)Wade Sorochan EdCamp - Specialized (Congregated) Program RDP Room AC142 (Arts Centre)Hayley Goring Creating Thematic Book Clubs RDP Room 1400 (MP Theatre)Lauren Charanduk Practicing Metissage for Compassion, Narrative Communication, & Community Building RDP Room 1328Liz Harrison The ‘Trick or Treat’ Horror Writing Workshop RDP Room 2501Andrew Buckley Snowflakes and Stories: Embracing Winter's Narrative Tradition RDP Room 1303Phillip Campiou Enseigner les fractions autrement RDP Room 1503Elyse Morin Number Talks in the Middle School Math Classroom RDP Room 2305Richelle Marynowski • Sandy Bakos Cooperative Learning Activities for K-6 Students RDP Room 1000 (Small Gym-Kevin Sirois)Brent Bradford Financial Wellness - it's more than just investments! RDP Room 1600Capital Planning The Christ Event and the Religions of the World: A Catholic Perspective of World Religions and the Classroom RDP Room AC222 (Arts Centre)Gerard Mclarney Transforming School Culture RDP Room 2600Bryan Saint-Louis Exchanges: Embark on a journey that will inform, inspire and transform your teaching or leadership journey RDP Room 2505Carolyn Freed Mystery of Dark Matter RDP Room 1435Laura Pankratz • Meaghan Sylvester Solve Real-World Problems Using Gizmos STEM Cases - Division 2 Teachers RDP Room AC159 (Arts Centre)Karen Blumhagen Painting Portraits with the Zorn Palette Artibute Art SchoolErin Boake Expressive Techniques in Acrylics & Mixed Media RDP Room 2507(Art Studio)Christina Dixon Rites of Passage Art Mandala RDP Room 2301Angela Hall

2:20pm MST

Botanical Art with Music and Stories! RDP Room 2502 (Art Studio)Coreen Blenkhorne Grades that Inform: Using Cognitive-Based Assessment vs. Traditional Grading RDP Room 1500 (Cornerstone Restaurant)Shelly Cloke RDP TRADES (CTS) Tour-Pipe Trades / Welding RDP Room 942 (The Patch) Running an esports option class RDP Room 2600Michael Saretzky Skills Alberta - Inspire. Develop. Elevate. RDP Room 1600Skills Canada Alberta Unlocking Potential: Integrating Google Gemini for Effective Teaching RDP Room 2602Gilles Theriault Navigating Child Abuse and Trauma RDP Room 2205Lee Caine & Dean Pasiuk Emotional Regulation and Art Therapy RDP Room 2302Jennifer Senuik Science on a Budget: Bringing the New K-6 Science Curriculum to Life Indoors and Outdoors! RDP Room 1408Inside Education Sacred Smudging: Healing and Connection RDP Room 1303Phillip Campiou Gestion de classe—ce qui fonctionne RDP Room 2303Andrea Mishio Vinyasa Flow Yoga Session Yoga Nation Session 1Candice Blum Safety & Leadership through AMA School Safety Patrol RDP Room 1435Kathy McTaggart The W.I.S.E Choice: A simple and effective formula for emotionally controlled decision making. RDP Room 2601Levi Stanford "Beyond the Classroom Walls: Bullying Stops Here" RDP Room 2304Harriet Tinka • Geraldine Simpson Let’s Talk About Food: Reframing messaging for an inclusive classroom RDP Room 1437Teach Nutrition OWN YOUR MAGIC: Enhancing Student Performance Through Your 1% RDP MAIN STAGE/ AC117 (ARTS CENTRE)Tom Pesce Children’s book writing, publishing and using RDP Room 1328Norm McDougall Literacy Leadership Matters RDP Room 2503Karen Filewych Supporting Numeracy Development in Secondary Mathematics RDP Room 2305Richelle Marynowski Un livre 3 matières et plusieurs idées organisatrices RDP Room 1503Elyse Morin Smashball: Volleyball Fundamentals for Kindergarten to Grade 6 RDP Room 1000 (Small Gym-Kevin Sirois)Dia Syed Unified Sports: Building Inclusive Teams to Thrive in Every School RDP Room AC160 (Arts Centre)Cassie Shaw • Alison Snow Copyright for Teachers: How it Works RDP Room 1006R (Library Lab)Sona Macnaughton Why do bad things happen to good people? Approaches to the problem of evil in Religious Education RDP Room AC222 (Arts Centre)Gerard Mclarney Promote Yourself: Resumes and Cover Letters that Get Noticed RDP Room 2505Danny Maas Building an Online Classroom Community through Podcasting RDP Room AC142 (Arts Centre)Shari-Lynn Skinner Artificial Intelligence - The Creative World of Our Robot Overlords RDP Room 2501Andrew Buckley The Power of Scientific Modeling in Elementary Science Education RDP Room AC159 (Arts Centre)Karen Blumhagen

3:20pm MST


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