Welcome to CATCA 2025! We are excited to see you soon but here are a few reminders...

1. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee your attendance. Room capacities are in effect and sessions will be accessed on a physical first come, first served basis on the day of the event. Alternatively, If you are ’Waitlisted", this only means that there are a number of interested delegates beyond the capacity limits for this session - get there early to secure your seat!

2. As we attempt to make CATCA 2025 as amazing as possible, there may be changes made to the schedule up until the day before - Please check your schedule for any time or venue changes or possible cancellations.

3. Please check session description for possible fees associated with materials for some of the art sessions. These will be paid directly to the presenter.

4. Do remember that there might be sessions not at our main venue, do look carefully where the session is at.

A floor plan showing the rooms in RDP that we’re using for convention is available here.

All pre-recording videos will be up until May 31st.

Friday February 21, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
Like a lot of teachers in Science I had no idea what to do when The TQS was updated to include teaching about First Nations, Metis and Inuit perspectives. This session will focus on my beginning of and still continuing journey to develop the competencies listed in TQS 5. The goal of this session is to help teachers find a place to start in their journey understanding First Nations, Metis and Inuit perspectives, especially in a science classroom.
Many teachers, especially in math and science really struggle to include First Nations, Metis and Inuit knowledge into their classes. Because this is a difficult task and teachers are afraid to do something wrong, it is often simply ignored. I want to help teachers understand that we don’t have to be perfect right off the bat, we are going to make mistakes and that is ok! By talking about my journey and the things that I’ve tried and learned about that I can help other teachers find a place where they fit and are willing to try something new. Being willing to try is an important part of reconciliation and being able to create schools that are safer for all students, particularly those who are affected by the legacy of residential schools.
avatar for Clarke Dyer

Clarke Dyer

Winner of the 2022 Earth Steward Teaching Award, Clarke started his teaching career in 2008 after graduating from the University of Alberta with a major in Biology and majorly awesome wife. While teaching at Victoria School, Clarke has worked to develop the school landscape into a... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MST
RDP Room 1500 (Cornerstone Restaurant)

Attendees (9)

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