Welcome to CATCA 2025! We are excited to see you soon but here are a few reminders...

1. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee your attendance. Room capacities are in effect and sessions will be accessed on a physical first come, first served basis on the day of the event. Alternatively, If you are ’Waitlisted", this only means that there are a number of interested delegates beyond the capacity limits for this session - get there early to secure your seat!

2. As we attempt to make CATCA 2025 as amazing as possible, there may be changes made to the schedule up until the day before - Please check your schedule for any time or venue changes or possible cancellations.

3. Please check session description for possible fees associated with materials for some of the art sessions. These will be paid directly to the presenter.

4. Do remember that there might be sessions not at our main venue, do look carefully where the session is at.

A floor plan showing the rooms in RDP that we’re using for convention is available here.

All pre-recording videos will be up until May 31st.

Friday February 21, 2025 3:20pm - Saturday May 31, 2025 11:30pm MDT
Students require specialized skills to be able to cope with the demands of disciplinary text. As students move up in secondary grades, the language of the texts they engage with becomes more specialized and precise, and the language more academic. Academic vocabulary (often referred to as Tier 2 Academic Words) is problematic for students to master, as academic vocabulary can take on dramatically different meanings depending on the usage. As the knowledge students engage with becomes more formalized and complex, so too do the patterns of language that construct that knowledge. This session will take a look at patterns of language and some of the problems with academic vocabulary. Teachers will come away with practical and useful tools that students can use to visualize, organize and structure their thinking to improve their reading, writing and communicating across all subject areas.
avatar for Karena Hartson

Karena Hartson

Karena is a secondary literacy consultant who delivers high-level, high-energy professional learning sessions that help teachers leverage their own experiences to support student learning. Teachers attending her sessions will come away with tools and strategies that they can use immediately... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 3:20pm - Saturday May 31, 2025 11:30pm MDT

Attendees (6)

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