Welcome to CATCA 2025! We are excited to see you soon but here are a few reminders...

1. Adding a session to your schedule does not guarantee your attendance. Room capacities are in effect and sessions will be accessed on a physical first come, first served basis on the day of the event. Alternatively, If you are ’Waitlisted", this only means that there are a number of interested delegates beyond the capacity limits for this session - get there early to secure your seat!

2. As we attempt to make CATCA 2025 as amazing as possible, there may be changes made to the schedule up until the day before - Please check your schedule for any time or venue changes or possible cancellations.

3. Please check session description for possible fees associated with materials for some of the art sessions. These will be paid directly to the presenter.

4. Do remember that there might be sessions not at our main venue, do look carefully where the session is at.

A floor plan showing the rooms in RDP that we’re using for convention is available here.

All pre-recording videos will be up until May 31st.

Friday February 21, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
Why is it the “favourite” teachers have the best-behaved classes? Is it the secret candy stash in their desk, their silly mental health breaks, their ability to make a boring subject fun, or something else?

Chances are it’s their boundaries. Those teachers have mastered the ability to command the respect of their students and in doing so, their students understand and adhere to the rules of the classroom.

That doesn’t mean teachers need to tighten their rein. On the contrary, traditional views about power and authority only lead to more rebellion. The trouble is the concept of boundaries has become twisted to mean greater compliance using more controls.

Parenting coach and teen advocate, Aly Pain will share why teachers and parents need to model the respect they want from teens. She discusses the toxic cycle of resentment, retaliation, revenge and resignation that is triggered by teen defiance and how shifting your behaviour is the key to changing theirs.

Key Take-Aways:

· Why Students Don’t Respect You (and How to Change that Dynamic) – Aly explains how teachers lose their students’ respect and what they can do to turn that toxic dynamic around.
· How to Earn Their Respect Without Losing Yours – Aly discusses how teachers don’t have to give up control or become the fun teacher in order to earn their respect.
· The Secret to Winning Over the “Problem” Kids – Aly shares what’s really going in with the problem kids and the simple way to win them over.
avatar for Aly Pain

Aly Pain

Owner, Speaker, Coach, Aly Pain Global Inc.
Growing up, Aly was the smart, fun girl on the outside and a frantic, anxious mess on the inside, going from award winning student and athlete to detention and failing out. She spent years healing the pain of dysfunctional family relationships, including an eating disorder, suicide... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 10:20am - 11:20am MST
RDP Room 2601

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